University of Manitoba
曼尼托巴大学位于曼尼托巴省会温尼伯市南郊。温尼伯是曼尼托巴省省会,除省政府机关外,另有部分联邦政府机构设于该市。该市系加拿大第五大城市,地处加拿大东西交通干道,是加拿大空运和陆运的的交通枢纽,距美国边境一个小时的车程。加拿大的红河及印第安河交汇于该市。温尼伯气候相当极端,整体来说温尼伯算是世界上最冷的大城市之一,十一月中到三月之间平均温度都处于摄氏0度以下(夜晚甚至可以到摄氏-40度(华氏-40度) ),五月到九月温度经常达到摄氏30度(华氏86度),甚至有时候高达摄氏35度(华氏95度)。比其他大草原城市更多降雨与降雪机率,但全年阳光丰盛。。市区人口75万,华人约2万。该市加工工业、运输业较发达。
UTP Stage II: Business (商业)
Actuarial Mathematics (Business) (BComm) (Honours) (精算数学(商业))
International Business (BComm) (Honours) (国际商务)
Leadership and Organizations (BComm) (Honours) (领导力和组织)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (BComm) (Honours) (物流和供应链管理)
Global Political Economy (BA) - General (全球政治经济学)
Master of Finance (金融硕士)
Applied Business Management (应用商业管理)
Finance (BComm) (Honours) (金融)
Human Resource Management/Industrial Relations (BComm) (Honours) (人力资源管理/工业关系)
Marketing (BComm) (Honours) (市场营销)
Global Political Economy (BA) - Advanced (全球政治经济学)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) ()
Applied Human Resource Management (应用人力资源管理)
Generalist (Business) (BComm) (Honours) (多面手(商业))
Indigenous Business Studies (BComm) (Honours) (土著商业研究)
Management Information Systems (BComm) (Honours) (管理信息系统)
Economics (BA) - General (经济学)
Applied Business Analysis (应用商业分析)
UTP Stage II: Business-Accounting ()
Commerce (BComm) (Honours) (商业)
Accounting (BComm) (Honours) (会计)
Entrepreneurship/Small Business (BComm) (Honours) (创业/小型企业)
Economics (BA) - Advanced (经济学-)
Economics (BA) - Honours (经济学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Economics (数学-经济学)
Applied Mathematics (BSc) with Economics Option, Major (应用数学 - 经济学方向)
Master of Finance (MFin) (金融学)
Economics (MA) - Economics and Econometrics Stream (经济学 - 经济学和计量经济学方向)
UTP Stage II:Business Administration (工商管理)
Asper MBA - Financial Analyst (金融分析师)
Asper MBA - Finance (金融学)
Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (MSCM) (供应链管理与物流)
Management (MSc) - Actuarial Mathematics (管理学 - 精算数学方向)
Asper MBA - Sustainability (可持续性)
Asper MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与创新)
Asper MBA - Health Administration (健康管理)
Management (MSc) - Supply Chain Management Option (管理学 - 供应链管理方向)
Economics (BA)(Honours) (经济学)
Economics (MA) - Economics and Society Stream (经济学 - 经济学和社会学)
Bachelor of Commerce Honours (商科)
Asper MBA - Marketing (市场营销)
Asper MBA - International and Emerging Markets (国际和新兴市场)
Asper MBA - Management of Public Enterprises (公共企业管理)
Management (MSc) - Finance (管理学 - 金融学方向)
Economics (BA) (经济学)
Indigenous Business Studies (BComm) (Honours) (本地商业研究)
Economics (Pre-Masters) (经济学)
UTP State II (第二阶段)
Bachelor (本科)
Asper MBA - Leadership and Organizations (领导力和组织)
Asper MBA - Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)
Economics (MA):Economics and Econometrics stream (经济学:经济学和计量经济学专业)
Economics (BA):Economics and econometrics, (经济学:经济学和计量经济学)
Economics (BA)(Advanced) (经济学)
Economics (BA)(Honours)-Statistics (经济学-统计学)
Management Minor for Non-Business Students (辅修:管理(非商科学生))
Business Analytics (BComm) (Honours) (商务分析)
Generalist (Business) (BComm) (Honours) (总务(业务))
Strategy and Global Management (BComm) (Honours) (策略及全球管理)
Asper MBA - Individual Interdisciplinary Program (个人跨学科项目)
Management (MSc) - Business Administration (管理学 - 工商管理方向)
Management (MSc) - Marketing (管理学 - 市场营销方向)
Msc Management ()
Economics (BA):Economics and society (经济学:经济与社会)
Economics (BA)(Honours)-Mathematics (经济学-数学)
Economics (MA) (经济学)
Economics (MA):Economics and Society stream (经济学:经济与社会)
French (MA) (法语)
Asper MBA (MBA)
Asper MBA:Finance (MBA:金融学)
Asper MBA:Management of public enterprises (MBA:公共企业管理)
Asper MBA:Individual interdisciplinary program (MBA:个人跨学科项目)
Management (MSc):Actuarial Mathematics (管理:精算数学)
Asper MBA:Leadership and organizations (MBA:领导和组织)
Asper MBA:Marketing (MBA:市场营销)
Asper MBA:Supply chain management (MBA:供应链管理)
Asper MBA:Financial analyst (MBA:财政分析)
Management (MSc):Supply Chain Management (管理:供应链管理)
Management (MSc):Business Administration(Organizational Behaviour) (管理:工商管理(组织行为学))
Management (MSc):Business Administration( Organizational Theory) (管理:工商管理(组织理论))
Management (MSc):Business Administration(Human Resource Management) (管理:工商管理(人力资源管理))
Management (MSc):Business Administration(Strategy) (管理:工商管理(策略))
Actuarial Mathematics (Business) (BComm) (Honours) (精算数学(商业))
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Major (BComm) (Honours) (创业与创新专业)
Finance (BComm) (Honours) (金融学)
Human Resource Management/Industrial Relations (BComm) (Honours) (人力资源管理/劳资关系)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (BComm) (Honours) (物流及供应链管理)
Asper MBA:International and emerging markets (MBA:国际及新兴市场)
Asper MBA:Entrepreneurship and innovation (MBA:创业与创新)
Management (MSc) (管理)
Management (MSc):Marketing (管理:市场营销)
Management (MSc):Business Administration(Entrepreneurship) (管理:工商管理(企业家精神))
Asper MBA:Sustainability (MBA:可持续性)
Asper MBA:Health administration (MBA:卫生行政)
Management (MSc):Finance (管理:金融)
Management (MSc):Business Administration (管理:工商管理)
Management (MSc):Business Administration(Small Business) (管理:工商管理(小型企业))
Civil Engineering (BSc) (土木工程)
Biosystems Engineering (BSc) (生物系统工程)
Computer Engineering (BSc) (计算机工程)
Electrical Engineering (BSc) (电气工程)
Mechanical Engineering (BSc) (机械工程)
Civil Engineering (MSc) (土木工程)
Civil Engineering (MEng) (土木工程)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSc) (电气和计算机工程)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MEng) (电气和计算机工程)
Engineering (BSc) (工程学)
International Year One (UTP Stage II): Engineering ()
Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (机械工程)
Biosystems Engineering (MEng) (生物系统工程)
Biomedical Engineering (MSc) (生物医学工程)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc) (生物系统工程)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Pre-master's) (电气和计算机工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc) (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng):Fluid Mechanics (机械工程:流体力学)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Masonry and cementitious materials (土木工程:砌体和胶凝材料)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Environmental (土木工程:环境)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Geotechnical (土木工程:地质技术)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Geotechnical (土木工程:地质技术)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Structures (土木工程:结构)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Transportation (土木工程:运输)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Masonry and cementitious materials (土木工程:砌体和胶凝材料)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSc) (电气与计算机工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng):Thermal Sciences (机械工程:热科学)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng):Applied Mechanics and Design (机械工程:应用力学与设计)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Construction engineering and management (土木工程:建筑工程与管理)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Water resources (土木工程:水资源)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Environmental (土木工程:环境)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Water resources (土木工程:水资源)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MEng) (电气与计算机工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng) (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng):Material Science and Engineering (机械工程:材料科学与工程)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc, MEng):Manufacturing and Production (机械工程:制造业生产)
Civil Engineering (MSc):Structures (土木工程:结构)
Civil Engineering (MEng):Construction engineering and management (土木工程:建筑工程与管理)
Architecture (MArch) (建筑学)
City Planning (MCP) (城市规划)
Landscape Architecture (MLArch) (景观建筑)
Landscape Architecture (MLArch) (景观建筑学)
Interior Design (MID) (室内设计)
Art and Architectural History (MA) (艺术与建筑史)
Interior Design (MID)-1.5 years (室内设计)
Physical Education (BPE) (体育)
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (MEd)(Course-based) (教育管理、基础和心理学)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (MEd)(Thesis-based) (课程、教与学)
Master of Nursing - Education stream (护理学 - 教育方向)
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (MEd)(Thesis-based) (教育管理、基础和心理学)
Bachelor of Education (BEd):Early Years (K – Grade 4) (教育:幼儿(幼稚园-四年级))
Bachelor of Education (BEd):Middle Years (Grade 5 - 8) (教育:中学(5 - 8年级))
Bachelor of Education (BEd):Senior Years (Grade 9 -12) (教育:高三(9 -12年级))
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (MEd)(Course-based) (课程、教与学)
Bachelor of Education (BEd) (教育)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (MEd) (课程、教与学)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (MEd)Thesis-Based Route (课程、教与学)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (MEd)Course-Based Route (课程、教与学)
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (MEd) (教育行政、基础与心理学)
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (MEd)Thesis-Based Route (教育行政、基础与心理学)
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology (MEd)Course-Based Route (教育行政、基础与心理学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Computer Science, Honours (Co-op) (计算机科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science (MSc) (计算机科学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Computer Science (数学 - 计算机科学)
Statistics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Computer Science (统计学 - 计算机科学)
Computer Science (Pre-Master’s) (计算机科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Computer Science, Honours (计算机科学)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Computer Science (物理学和天文学 - 计算机科学)
Applied Mathematics (BSc) with Computer Science Option, Major (应用数学 - 计算机科学方向)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Computer Science (Co-op) (计算机科学)
Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science (BCSc) (BSc) (计算机科学)
Data Science (BSc) (数据科学)
Data Science (BSc)(Honours) (数据科学)
General (BSc) (通用理学)
Computer Science (BCSc) (BSc)(Honours) (计算机科学)
Environmental Design (BEnvD) - Interior Environments Option (环境设计 - 室内设计方向)
Environmental Design (BEnvD) - Landscape + Urbanism Option (环境设计 - 景观+城市化方向)
Environmental Design (BEnvD) - Environmental Design Architecture (环境设计 - 环境设计建筑方向)
Interior Design (MID) (First-professional program) (室内设计)
Interior Design (MID) (Research)(Post-professional program) (室内设计)
Interior Design (Pre-master's) (室内设计)
Environmental Design (BEnvD):Architecture (环境设计:建筑)
Environmental Design (BEnvD):Interior environments (环境设计:室内环境)
Environmental Design (BEnvD):Landscape + urbanism (环境设计:景观+城市化)
Environmental Design (BEnvD) (环境设计)
English, Theatre, Film, & Media (MA) (英语、戏剧、电影和媒体)
English, Theatre, Film, & Media (Pre-Master's) (英语、戏剧、电影和媒体)
Art History (BFA) - Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours (艺术史 - 美术)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA, diploma) - Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours (美术工作室课程(BFA,文凭) - 美术)
Music (BMus) - Music Education (音乐-音乐教育)
Music (Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Performance) (音乐)
UTP Stage II: Arts (艺术)
Art History (BFA) - Bachelor of Fine Arts (艺术史 - 美术)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA, diploma) - Bachelor of Fine Arts (美术工作室课程(BFA,文凭) - 美术)
Jazz Studies (BJazz) (爵士乐研究)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA, diploma) - Diploma in Art (美术工作室课程(BFA,文凭) - 美术)
Music (BMus) - Composition (音乐-作曲)
Music (BMus) - History (音乐-历史)
Music (BMus) - Performance (音乐-表演)
Theatre (BA) - Advanced (剧院)
Fine Art (MFA) (美术)
Theatre (BA) - General (剧院)
Music (MMus) (音乐)
Music Research (MA) (音乐研究)
Music (BMus) (音乐)
Music (BMus):Voice (音乐:声乐)
Music (BMus):Woodwinds (音乐:木管乐器)
Jazz Studies (BJazz):performance (爵士乐研究:表演)
Bachelor of Music (History) (音乐(历史))
Bachelor of Music (Music Education) (音乐(音乐教育))
Music (BMus):Composition (音乐:作曲)
Music (BMus):Conducting (音乐:指挥)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):drawing (美术工作室课程:绘画)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):graphic design (美术工作室课程:平面设计)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):painting (美术工作室课程:绘画)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):performance (美术工作室课程:表演)
Art History (BFA) (艺术史)
Art History (BFA)(Honours) (艺术史)
Music (BMus):Guitar (音乐:吉他)
Music (BMus):Piano (音乐:钢琴)
Jazz Studies (BJazz):arranging (爵士乐研究:编曲)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):print media (美术工作室课程:印刷媒体)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):video (美术工作室课程:影像)
Bachelor of Music (Composition) (音乐(作曲))
Bachelor of Music (Performance) (音乐(表演))
Music (BMus):Percussion (音乐:打击乐器)
Music (BMus):Strings (音乐:弦乐器)
Jazz Studies (BJazz):composition (爵士乐研究:作曲)
Jazz Studies (BJazz):pedagogy (爵士乐研究:音乐教育学)
Music Research (MA):Performance (音乐研究:表演)
Music (MMus):Performance(collaborative) (音乐:表演)
Music (MMus):Performance(solo) (音乐:表演)
Music Research (MA):Performance(solo) (音乐研究:表演)
Music Research (MA):Performance(collaborative) (音乐研究:表演)
Music (MMus):Performance (音乐:表演)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):ceramics (美术工作室课程:陶瓷)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):photography (美术工作室课程:摄影)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA):sculpture (美术工作室课程:雕塑)
Music Research (MA):Composition (音乐研究:作曲)
Music Research (MA):Conducting( instrumental) (音乐研究:指挥(演奏))
Music (MMus):Conducting (音乐:指挥)
Music (MMus):Conducting(choral) (音乐:指挥(合唱))
Music Research (MA):Conducting (音乐研究:指挥)
Music Research (MA):Conducting(choral) (音乐研究:指挥(合唱))
Music (MMus):Composition (音乐:作曲)
Music (MMus):Conducting(instrumental) (音乐:指挥(演奏))
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Advanced (文学士)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours (文学士)
Canadian Studies (BA) - Honours (加拿大研究)
French (BA) - General (法语)
History (BA) - General (历史)
History (BA) - Advanced (历史)
Icelandic (BA) - Honours (冰岛语)
Icelandic (BA) - Advanced (冰岛语)
UTP Stage I ()
Canadian Studies (BA) - General (加拿大研究)
Classics (BA) - (General) in Classical Studies (古典学 - 古典研究)
English (BA) - General (英语)
English (BA) - Advanced (英语)
French (BA) - Advanced (法语)
French (BA) - Honours (法语)
History (BA) - Honours (历史)
Geography (BA) - General (地理)
Asian Studies (BA) (亚洲研究)
English (BA) - Honours (英语)
German (BA) - General (德语)
German (BA) - Honours (德语)
Geography (BA) - Advanced (地理)
Geography (BA) - Honours (地理)
Classics (BA) - (Advanced) in Classical Studies, Greek or Latin (古典学 - 古典研究,希腊语或拉丁语)
B.A. Bachelor of Arts (General) - Ukrainian (乌克兰语)
Linguistics (BA) - General (语言学)
Linguistics (BA) - Honours (语言学)
Spanish (BA) - Advanced (西班牙语)
Icelandic (BA) - General (冰岛语)
Linguistics (BA) - Advanced (语言学)
B.A. Bachelor of Arts (General) in Russian (俄语)
Spanish (BA) - General (西班牙语)
Classics (MA) (古典学)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) (文学士)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (文学士)
Anthropology (BA) (人类学)
Canadian Studies (BA)(Honours) (加拿大研究)
Central and East European Studies (BA)(Advanced) (中欧及东欧研究)
Central and East European Studies (BA) (Honours) (中欧及东欧研究)
English Language Centre (ELC) + Bachelor of Arts (General) ()
Anthropology (BA)(Advanced) (人类学)
Anthropology (BA) (Honours) (人类学)
Art History (BA) (艺术史)
Canadian Studies (BA) (加拿大研究)
Criminology (BA)(Honours) (犯罪学)
Global Political Economy (BA) (Advanced) (全球政治经济学)
History (MA) (历史)
Linguistics (Pre-Master's) (语言学)
Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (文学士)
Anthropology (BA):Archaeology (人类学:考古)
Anthropology (BA):Linguistic anthropology (人类学:语言人类学)
Classics (BA)(Advanced) (古典)
English (BA) (英语)
English (BA)-(Advanced) (英语)
English (BA)(Honours) (英语)
French (BA) (法语)
French (BA) (Advanced) (法语)
French (BA)(Honours) (法语)
Icelandic (BA) (Advanced) (冰岛)
Icelandic (BA)(Honours) (冰岛)
Indigenous Languages (Minor) (辅修:土著语言)
Linguistics (BA) (Advanced) (语言学)
Linguistics (BA)(Honours) (语言学)
Psychology (BA) (Advanced) (心理学)
Psychology (BA)(Honours) (心理学)
Religion (BA) (宗教)
Russian (BA) (俄罗斯)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA) (Advanced) (妇女及性别研究)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA)(Honours) (妇女及性别研究)
Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies (BAIS) (综合研究文学士)
History (Pre-Master's) (历史)
Film Studies (BA) (电影研究)
Film Studies (BA) (Advanced) (电影研究)
History (BA) (历史)
Italian Studies (BA) (Advanced) (意大利研究)
Judaic Studies (Minor) (辅修:犹太研究)
Labour Studies (BA) (Advanced) (劳工学)
Latin American Studies (Minor) (辅修:拉丁美洲研究)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (BA) (Advanced) (中世纪和近代早期研究)
Philosophy (BA) (哲学)
Philosophy (BA)(Honours) (哲学)
Political Studies (BA) (政治研究)
Sociology (BA) (Advanced) (社会学)
Sociology (BA)(Honours) (社会学)
Spanish (BA) (Advanced) (西班牙语)
Theatre (BA) (戏剧)
Theatre (BA) (Advanced) (戏剧)
Catholic Studies (Minor) (天主教研究(辅修))
Classics (BA) (古典)
German (BA)(Honours) (德语)
Global Political Economy (BA) (全球政治经济学)
History (BA)(Honours) (历史)
Indigenous Governance (BA) (冰岛土著治理)
Indigenous Studies (BA) (土著研究)
Labour Studies (BA) (劳工学)
Polish (Minor) (辅修:波兰)
Political Studies (BA)(Honours) (政治研究)
Religion (BA)(Honours) (宗教)
Spanish (BA) (西班牙语)
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies (BA) (乌克兰加拿大遗产研究)
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies (BA) (Advanced) (乌克兰加拿大遗产研究)
Linguistics (MA) (语言学)
Philosophy (MA) (哲学)
Anthropology (BA):Biological or physical anthropology (人类学:生物或体质人类学)
Anthropology (BA):Sociocultural anthropology (人类学:社会文化人类学)
Central and East European Studies (BA) (中欧及东欧研究)
Classics (BA)(Honours) (古典)
Criminology (BA) (犯罪学)
German (BA) (德语)
History (BA) (Advanced) (历史)
Icelandic (BA) (冰岛)
Indigenous Studies (BA) (Advanced) (土著研究)
Italian Studies (BA) (意大利研究)
Linguistics (BA) (语言学)
Fine Arts Studio Program (diploma) (美术工作室课程)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (BA) (中世纪和近代早期研究)
Political Studies (BA) (Advanced) (政治研究)
Psychology (BA) (心理学)
Religion (BA) (Advanced) (宗教)
Sociology (BA) (社会学)
Ukrainian (BA) (乌克兰)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA) (妇女及性别研究)
Fine Arts Studio Program (BFA) (美术工作室课程)
Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences ()
Bachelor of Science - Microbiology (Optional Co-op) (Program Major) ()
English Language Centre (ELC) + Bachelor of Science (Major) ()
Environmental Science (BEnvSC) - General (环境科学)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST) - Major (环境研究)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST) - Honours (环境研究)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST) - General (环境研究)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Biochemistry (Co-op) (生物化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Biochemistry (Co-op) (生物化学)
Agribusiness (BSc) (农业综合企业)
Pre-veterinary studies (兽医学前研究)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC) - Honours (环境科学)
Earth Sciences (BSc) (地球科学)
Earth Sciences – Geology (BSc) - Honours (地球科学 - 地质学)
Athletic Therapy (BKin) (运动疗法)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Biochemistry (生物化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Biological Sciences (生物科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Chemistry (化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Chemistry (化学)
Agroecology (BSc) (农业生态学)
Plant Biotechnology (BSc) (植物生物技术)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC) - Major (环境科学)
Earth Sciences – Geology (BSc) - Major (地球科学 - 地质学)
Earth Sciences – Geophysics (BSc) - Major (地球科学 - 地球物理学)
Kinesiology (BKin) (人体工学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Biochemistry (生物化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Mathematics (应用数学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Chemistry (Co-op) (化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Chemistry (Co-op) (化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Genetics (Co-op) (遗传学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Genetics (Co-op) (遗传学)
Health Studies (BHSt) (健康研究)
Human Nutritional Sciences (BSc) (人类营养科学)
Animal Systems (BSc) (动物系统)
Agronomy (BSc) (农学)
Earth Sciences – Geophysics (BSc) - Honours (地球科学 - 地球物理学)
Physical Geography (BSc) - Major (自然地理学)
Physical Geography (BSc) - Honours (自然地理学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, General (应用数学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Biological Sciences (Co-op) (生物科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Biological Sciences (生物科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Biological Sciences (Co-op) (生物科学)
B. Sc. Biological Sciences Focus General Degree (生物科学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Physics and Astronomy (数学 - 物理和天文学)
Statistics (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (统计学)
Animal Science (MSc)(Course-based route) (动物科学)
Entomology (MSc) (昆虫学)
Genetic Counselling (MSc) (遗传咨询)
Human Anatomy and Cell Science (MSc) (人体解剖学和细胞科学)
Immunology (MSc) (免疫学)
Biological Sciences (MSc) (生物科学)
Earth Sciences (MSc) (地球科学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (数学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Double, Honours, Co-op) (数学)
Microbiology (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (微生物学)
Psychology (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (心理学)
Science (BSc) (科学)
Statistics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Actuarial (统计学 - 精算学)
Biochemistry (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (生物化学)
Food Science (MSc) (食品安全)
Biochemistry and Medical Genetics (MSc) (生物化学和医学遗传学)
Community Health Sciences (MPH) (社区健康科学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Major in Genetics (遗传学)
Health Sciences (BHSc) (健康科学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Honours, Co-op) (数学)
Mathematics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Statistics Science (数学 - 统计科学)
Psychology (BSc) (Honours) (心理学)
Statistics (BSc) (Honours, Co-op) (统计学)
Statistics (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Economics (统计学 - 经济学)
Applied Mathematics (BSc) with Statistics Option, Major (应用数学 - 统计学方向)
Natural Resources Management (MNRM) (自然资源管理)
Human Nutritional Sciences (MSc) (人类营养科学)
Human Nutritional Sciences (Pre-master's) (人类营养科学)
Community Health Sciences (MSc) (社区健康科学)
Chemistry (MSc) (化学)
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science, Honours in Genetics (遗传学)
Microbiology (BSc) (Honours, Co-op) (微生物学)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc) (Major, Co-op) (物理学和天文学)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc) (Honours, Co-op) (物理学和天文学)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc) (Joint, Honours, Co-op) - Chemistry (物理学和天文学 - 化学)
Biochemistry (BSc) (Honours, Co-op) (生物化学)
Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (MSc) (农业综合企业和农业经济学)
Animal Science (MSc)(Thesis-based route) (动物科学)
Food Science (Pre-master's) (食品安全)
Msc Applied Human Nutrition ()
Physics (物理)
Rehabilitation Sciences (MSc) (康复科学)
Mathematics (MSc)-Thesis-based program (数学)
Mathematics (Pre-Master's) (数学)
Soil Science Minor (辅修:土壤学)
Plant Biotechnology Minor (辅修:植物生物技术)
Human Nutrition and Metabolism Minor (辅修:人体营养与代谢)
Food Science Minor (辅修:食品科学)
Food Science (BSc):Science (食品科学:理学)
Food Science (BSc):Business (食品科学:商务)
Human Nutritional Sciences (BSc):Nutrition Option (人类营养科学:营养)
Human Nutritional Sciences (BSc):Foods Option (人类营养科学:食品)
Disability Studies (MSc) (残疾研究)
Physiology and Pathophysiology (MSc) (生理学和病理生理学)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (MDent) (口腔颌面外科)
Pathology (MSc) (病理学)
Statistics (MSc) - Practicum option (统计学)
Statistics (MSc) - Coursework option (统计学)
Soil Science (MSc) (土壤科学)
Plant Science (MSc) (植物科学)
Agronomy Minor (辅修:农学)
Food Science (BSc) (食品科学)
Earth Sciences (Pre-master's) (地球科学)
Master of Environment (MEnv) (环境学)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (环境科学)
Periodontics (MDent) (牙周病学)
Pharmacy (MSc) (药学)
Mathematics (MSc) - Course-based program (数学)
Microbiology (MSc) (微生物学)
Statistics (Pre-Master's) (统计学)
Animal Systems Minor (辅修:动物系统)
Entomology Minor (辅修:昆虫学)
Geography (BA):Culture, Identity and Space (CIS) (地理:文化、身份与空间)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC) (环境科学)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC) (Advanced) (环境科学)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC)(Honours) (环境科学)
Environment and Geography (MSc) (环境与地理)
UTP Stage ll: Agricultural and Food Sciences (农业和食品科学)
University 1 (大一通识课程)
UTP Stage II: Science (理科)
Geography (BA)(Honours) (地理)
Geography (BA) (Advanced) (地理)
Geography (BA):Resources, Environment and Society (RS) (地理:资源、环境与社会(RS))
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):wildlife management (环境科学: 野生生物管理)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):sustainable building (环境科学:生态建筑)
Diploma in Agriculture (农学)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):environmental assessment (环境研究:环境评估)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):water resources (环境研究:水资源)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):land systems (环境研究:土地系统)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):policy and law (环境研究:政策与法律)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):stewardship (环境研究:管理工作)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):policy and law (环境科学:政策与法律)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):stewardship (环境科学:管理工作)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):toxicology (环境科学:毒理学)
Physical Geography (BSc) (自然地理)
Physical Geography (BSc):Atmospheric Science (自然地理:大气科学)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST)(Honours) (环境研究)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):natural resource management (环境研究:自然资源管理)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):conservation and biodiversity (环境研究:保育及生物多样性)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):sustainable development (环境研究:可持续发展)
Applied Mathematics (BSc) (应用数学)
Biochemistry (BSc) (生物化学)
Chemistry (BSc)(Honours) (化学)
Statistics (BSc)(Honours) (统计学)
Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (MSc):Environmental and Resource Economics (农业综合企业和农业经济学:环境与资源经济学)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Food Engineering (生物系统工程:食物工程)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Instrumentation (生物系统工程: 使用仪器)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Post-Harvest Preservation of Grains (生物系统工程:谷物收获后的保存)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Power and Machinery (生物系统工程:动力与机械)
Mathematics (BSc) (数学)
Mathematics (BSc)(Honours) (数学)
Geography (BA):Global Politics, Justice, and Sustainability (GPS) (地理:全球政治、正义与可持续发展)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):natural resource management (环境科学:自然资源管理)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):environmental assessment (环境科学:环境评估)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):environmental health (环境科学:环境健康)
Diploma in Agriculture:Business management (农学:商务管理)
Diploma in Agriculture:General agriculture (农学:一般农业)
Oral Biology (MSc) (口腔生物学)
Orthodontics (MSc) (正畸学)
Prosthodontics (MSc) (口腔修复学)
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (MSc) (药理学和治疗学)
Physics (MSc) (物理学)
Statistics (MSc) - Thesis-based program (统计学)
Crop Protection Minor (辅修:作物保护)
Human Nutritional Sciences (BSc):Food Industry Option (人类营养科学:营养食品工业)
Genetics (BSc)(Honours) (遗传学)
Psychology (BSc) (心理学)
Animal Science (MSc) (动物科学)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):northern studies (环境科学:北方研究)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):land systems (环境科学:土地系统)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST) (环境研究)
Environmental Geoscience (BSc) (环境地球科学)
Earth Sciences – Geology (BSc) (地球科学-地质学)
Physical Geography (BSc):General physical geography (自然地理:普通自然地理学)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):environmental health (环境研究:环境健康)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):sustainable building (环境研究:生态建筑)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):toxicology (环境研究:毒理学)
Biological Sciences (BSc) (生物科学)
Biological Sciences (BSc)(Honours) (生物科学)
Genetics (BSc) (遗传学)
Microbiology (BSc)(Honours) (微生物学)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc)(Honours) (物理与天文学)
Psychology (BSc)(Honours) (心理学)
Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (MSc):Agricultural Economics (农业综合企业和农业经济学:农业经济学)
Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics (MSc):Agribusiness (农业综合企业和农业经济学:农业综合企业)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Environment (生物系统工程:环境)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Structures (生物系统工程:结构)
Geography (BA) (地理)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):conservation and biodiversity (环境科学:保育及生物多样性)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):sustainable development (环境科学:可持续发展)
Diploma in Agriculture:Crop management (农学: 作物管理)
Diploma in Agriculture:Livestock management (农学:家畜管理)
Environmental Science (BEnvSC):water resources (环境科学:水资源)
Earth Sciences – Geophysics (BSc) (地球科学-地球物理学)
Physical Geography (BSc):Geomatics (自然地理:测绘学)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):wildlife management (环境研究: 野生生物管理)
Environmental Studies (BEnvST):northern studies (环境研究:北方研究)
Actuarial Mathematics (BSc) (精算数学)
Biochemistry (BSc)(Honours) (生物化学)
Chemistry (BSc) (化学)
Microbiology (BSc) (微生物学)
Physics and Astronomy (MSc) (物理与天文学)
Statistics (MSc) (统计学)
Statistics (MSc)-Practicum (统计学-实习)
Physics and Astronomy (BSc) (物理与天文学)
Statistics (BSc) (统计学)
Biosystems Engineering (MSc):Soil and Water (生物系统工程:土壤和水)
Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN) (应用人类营养学)
Food Science (MSc) (食品科学)
Mathematics (MSc):Thesis-based program (数学)
Statistics (MSc)-Coursework (统计学-课业)
Mathematics (MSc) (数学)
Mathematics (MSc):Course-based program (数学)
Bachelor of Midwifery (助产)
Respiratory Therapy (BRT) - Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy (呼吸治疗 (BRT) - 呼吸治疗学士)
Respiratory Therapy (BRT) - Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy Degree Completion Program (呼吸治疗 (BRT) - 呼吸治疗学士完成课程)
Respiratory Therapy (BRT) (呼吸治疗 (BRT))
Bachelor of Nursing (护理学)
Diploma in Dental Hygiene (口腔卫生)
Occupational Therapy (MOT) (职业治疗)
Occupational Therapy (MOT)-Accelerated program (职业治疗)
Master of Nursing - Administration stream (护理学 - 管理方向)
Master of Nursing - Nurse Practitioner Stream (护理学 - 执业护士方向)
Master of Nursing - Clinical stream (护理学 - 临床方向)
Physical Education (BPE) (体育教育)
Kinesiology and Recreation Management (MA, MSc) (运动机能学和娱乐管理)
Anthropology (BA) - Honours (人类学)
Central and East European Studies (BA) - General (中欧和东欧研究)
Film Studies (BA) - General (电影研究)
Film Studies (BA) - Advanced (电影研究)
Economics (经济学)
Anthropology (BA) - General (人类学)
Central and East European Studies (BA) - Advanced (中欧和东欧研究)
Criminology (BA) - General (犯罪学)
Kinesiology (BKin) ()
Central and East European Studies (BA) - Honours (中欧和东欧研究)
Recreation Management and Community Development (BRMCD) (娱乐管理和社区发展)
Criminology (BA) - Honours (犯罪学)
Indigenous Studies (BA) - General (土著研究)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (BA) - Advanced (中世纪和早期现代研究)
Philosophy (BA) - General (哲学)
Political Studies (BA) - Advanced (政治研究)
Political Studies (BA) - Honours (政治研究)
Psychology (BA) - General (心理学)
Anthropology (MA) (人类学)
Indigenous Governance (BA) - Advanced (土著治理)
Indigenous Studies (BA) - Advanced (土著研究)
Italian Studies (BA) - Advanced (意大利研究)
Philosophy (BA) - Honours (哲学)
Psychology (BA) - Advanced (心理学)
Religion (BA) - General (宗教)
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies (BA) - General (乌克兰加拿大遗址研究)
Master of Arts (School Psychology) (non-thesis) (学校心理学)
Master of Arts (School Psychology)(thesis) (学校心理学)
Italian Studies (BA) - General (意大利研究)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (BA) - General (中世纪和早期现代研究)
Philosophy (BA) - Advanced (哲学)
Political Studies (BA) - General (政治研究)
Psychology (BA) - Honours (心理学)
Religion (BA) - Advanced (宗教)
Social Work – Fort Garry campus (BSW) (concentrated) (社会工作)
Labour Studies (BA) - General (劳工研究)
Labour Studies (BA) - Advanced (劳工研究)
Religion (BA) - Honours (宗教)
B.A. Bachelor of Arts (General) - Sociology (社会学)
B.A. (Hons.) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Sociology (社会学)
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Studies (BA) - Advanced (乌克兰加拿大遗址研究)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA) - General (妇女与性别研究)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA) - Advanced (妇女与性别研究)
Women's and Gender Studies (BA) - Honours (妇女与性别研究)
Social Work – Fort Garry campus (BSW) (社会工作)
Master of Arts (Psychology) (心理学)
Kinesiology and Recreation Management (MSc) (运动机能学和娱乐管理)
Kinesiology and Recreation Management (Pre-master's) (运动机能学和娱乐管理)
Public Administration (MPA) (公共行政)
Social Work – Indigenous Knowledges (MSW) (社会工作 - 土著知识)
Individual Interdisciplinary Studies (Master's) (个人跨学科研究)
Disability Studies (MA) (残疾研究)
Political Studies (MA) (政治研究)
Political Studies (Pre-Master's) (政治研究)
Psychology and School Psychology (MA) (心理学和学校心理学)
Social Work (MSW) (社会工作)
Geography (MA) (地理学)
German and Slavic Studies (MA) (德国和斯拉夫研究)
Native Studies (MA) (本土研究)
Sociology ()
Religion (Pre-Master's) (宗教)
Sociology (Pre-Master's) (社会学)
Peace and Conflict Studies (MA) (和平与冲突研究)
Kinesiology and Recreation Management (MA) (运动机能学和娱乐管理)
German and Slavic Studies (Pre-Master's) (德国和斯拉夫研究)
Religion (MA) (宗教)
Sociology (MA) (社会学)
History (MA):Archival Studies MA (历史:档案研究)
History (MA):Course-based (历史:课程)
Indigenous Studies (MA) (土著研究)
Indigenous Studies (MA):Métis studies (土著研究:美逖斯研究)
Psychology (MA) (心理学)
Public Administration (MPA) (公共行政管理)
Religion (MA):Thesis-based route (宗教:基于论文)
Religion (MA):Course-based route (宗教:基于课程)
School Psychology (MA) (校园心理学)
Sociology (MA):Criminology and Social Justice (社会学:犯罪学与社会正义)
Sociology (MA):Culture and Social Relations (社会学:文化与社会关系)
Sociology (MA):Population Health and Wellness (社会学:人口健康和保健)
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Bioarchaeology) (人类学:生物人类学(生物考古学))
English (MA) (英语)
German or Slavic Studies (MA) (德语或斯拉夫研究)
History (MA):Major Research Paper MA (历史:专业论文)
History (MA):Thesis-based MA (历史:论文)
Indigenous Studies (MA):Cultural-specific Indigenous areas (土著研究:文化特有的土著地区)
School Psychology (MA)(thesis stream) (校园心理学(论文))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Domestication) (人类学:考古学(归化))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Environmental archaeology) (人类学:考古学(环境考古学))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Ethnoarchaeology) (人类学:考古学(种族文化考古学))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Historical archaeology) (人类学:考古学(历史考古学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Medical anthropology) (人类学:生物人类学(医学人类学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Palaeodemography) (人类学:生物人类学(古人口学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Proteomics) (人类学:生物人类学(蛋白质组学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Palaeopathology) (人类学:生物人类学(古病理学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Skeletal biology) (人类学:生物人类学(骨骼生物学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Colonialism and health) (人类学:生物人类学(殖民主义与健康))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Demography) (人类学:生物人类学(人口统计学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Dental anthropology) (人类学:生物人类学(牙齿人类学))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Media) (人类学:社会文化人类学(媒体))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Migration) (人类学:社会文化人类学(移民))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Race and ethnicity) (人类学:社会文化人类学(种族和民族身份))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Relatedness) (人类学:社会文化人类学(关联性))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Social movements) (人类学:社会文化人类学(社会运动))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Youth culture) (人类学:社会文化人类学(青年文化))
Geography (MA) (地理)
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology (人类学:社会文化人类学)
Social Work – Indigenous Knowledges (MSW) (社会工作-本土知识)
English (MA):Course-based route (英语:课程)
Indigenous Studies (MA):Indigenous aesthetics (土著研究:本土美学)
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology (人类学:生物人类学)
Sociology (MA):Power, Privilege, and Resistance (社会学:权力、特权和抵抗)
Sociology (MA):Social Policy and Practice (社会学:社会政策与实践)
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Ceramics) (人类学:考古学(制瓷艺术))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Hunter/fisher/gatherers) (人类学:考古学(猎人/渔夫/采集者))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Theory) (人类学:考古学(理论))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Growth and development) (人类学:生物人类学(生长与发育))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Infectious disease) (人类学:生物人类学(传染病))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Conflict) (人类学:社会文化人类学(冲突))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Food) (人类学:社会文化人类学(食物))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Global political economy) (人类学:社会文化人类学(全球政治经济学))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Repatriation) (人类学:社会文化人类学(遣返))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology (人类学:考古学)
English (MA):Thesis-based route (英语:论文)
Indigenous Studies (MA):Indigenous economies and political organizations (土著研究:土著经济和政治组织)
Indigenous Studies (MA):Northern Indigenous issues (土著研究:北部土著问题)
Sociology (MA):Global Sociology (社会学:全球社会学)
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Analytic methods) (人类学:考古学(分析方法))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Settlement patterns) (人类学:考古学(聚落形态))
Anthropology (MA):Archaeology(Zooarchaeology) (人类学:考古学(动物考古学))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Gender and health) (人类学:生物人类学(性别与健康))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(Historical epidemiology) (人类学:生物人类学(流行病学史))
Anthropology (MA):Biological anthropology(3D imaging and microscopy) (人类学:生物人类学(三维成像和显微镜))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Applied and public anthropology) (人类学:社会文化人类学(应用与公共人类学))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Anti-colonialism) (人类学:社会文化人类学(反殖民主义))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Environmental anthropology and political ecology) (人类学:社会文化人类学(环境人类学与政治生态学))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Gender, development and wellbeing) (人类学:社会文化人类学(性别、发展和福祉))
Anthropology (MA):Socio-cultural anthropology(Sexuality) (人类学:社会文化人类学(性取向))
Environment and Geography (MSc):Biogeography and terrestrial ecology (环境与地理:生物地理学与陆地生态学)
Environment and Geography (MSc):Atmospheric science and surface-atmosphere coupling (环境与地理:大气科学与地表-大气耦合)
Environment and Geography (MSc):Geomatics and remote sensing (环境与地理:地理信息与遥感)
Environment and Geography (MSc):Environmental chemistry and toxicology (环境与地理:环境化学和毒理学)
Environment and Geography (MSc):Sea ice, glaciology and ocean science (环境与地理:海冰、冰川学和海洋科学)
Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (MSc) (医学微生物学和传染病学)
Medicine (MSc) (医学)
Kinesiology (BKin) (运动机能学)
Athletic Therapy (BKin) (运动治疗)
Respiratory Therapy (BRT) (呼吸治疗)
Master of Nursing (护理学)
Master of Nursing:Education stream (护理学:护理方向)
Master of Nursing: Administration stream (护理学:行政方向)
Master of Nursing:Clinical stream (护理学:临床方向)
Physical Therapy (MPT) (物理治疗)
Master of Human Rights (MHR)(Practicum Stream) (人权)
Master of Human Rights (MHR)(Thesis Stream) (人权)
Master of Laws (LLM) (法学)
Munro Academy
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